
The winding road

The winding road
We all take a path. Mine is a tad crooked but it gets me there.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Bliss / wth?

I don't understand now, I never really did, and I don't expect to in the future. Ignorance should be bliss, damn it! What the hell happened? :p



  1. Bliss is a fleeting thing, you are lucky to feel it for half a second at a time only a few times in your life. Bliss is a fantasy.

  2. I consider myself very lucky, for the fantasy has been mine for more than my fair share. That is why, I think at least, I have had such lows as of late. Payback for all the extra wonder and love I have held in my life I suppose. ;p

    Knowing I have that love still in my life brings me back to that guy I used to be. The one that could handle the tough, the hard, even the wickedly edged things that occasionally came his way, and still smile at the end of the day. I am glad I can still be that guy, if even for half a second.

    Today is brighter, lighter, and so much better than the day before. Right now, fantasy and reality get to share the spotlight for me. I am happy, as crazy as it may seem, and I am going to hold tightly to this feeling as long as my strength will allow.


  3. OK, time out. There is no "payback" for being happy. There are many reasons you are stuggling right now, but karmic balance is not one of them. You are on a journey, and there will be bumps, dips and whatever else in the road;however, there is no "deserving" unhappiness for those that struggle. You try to live your life right and that is all you can do. The "what goes around-comes around" is for those who give in to the darkness and do others wrong.

    I suppose for any of that to work, you have to believe in the idea of karma in the first place, and that it only heat seaks on negativity to punish, leaving the positive to float to the top..... like cream. MMMMMM CREAM!!

  4. Of course I don't really think the universe is playing by any rules you or I could really understand, try as we might. Oh sure there is physics, and plenty of other theories out there, but the rules I'm thinking of don't have to be fair or even make sense to us.

    I think we are on a journey, one of our own devising in many ways. Choices drive us, direct us and ultimately define us. A good choice for you isn't necessarily a good choice for me, and vice versa.

    I do like cream though...mmmm...cream.
