
The winding road

The winding road
We all take a path. Mine is a tad crooked but it gets me there.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Thanks Mom!

Recently my mom died. She was a crafty one I will say. I just opened the strong box that she had filled with things over the years that she wanted to keep safe for me. It was a bit like opening a time capsule. My first photo id from a bank, my high school diploma, silver dollars from a trip to Reno, savings bonds in my name, etc... The thing that struck me most, and really wrecked me to the point of tears, was a letter she wrote, addressed to me, some 30 years ago. The specifics of the letter are not important to anyone but me, but the message was clear. Be honest, be truthful, be kind, be strong. She loved me more than anything or anyone. Life is precious. Never forget those you love. They will always be with you. Her message was beautiful, and it was written to a boy just becoming a man. Thanks Mom. I really needed that. Talk about your zinger! Love always, your son, ~H