
The winding road

The winding road
We all take a path. Mine is a tad crooked but it gets me there.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Thank you to the universe!

I am sure this isn't a news flash to anyone I know, but I am saying it anyways. Some days are good, some days are bad, but when they are good(for me anyway) they tend to be really good. Today was one of those days.

I used to have a really good filter that let me see things, even what most would consider negative or bad, in the best possible way. That filter has been rendered less effective as of late for a variety of reasons. On occasions, like today, it snaps into clear focus again and thank you to the universe for the glimpse it allows me from time to time.

Live, love, laugh, and be well and happy(as much of each as you can get). Cheers!

ISBIH mode: disengaged

(I'm sappy but I'm happy) just in case you wondered... :)
